Dreams are a supernatural gift from God! Did you know that what takes place in a dream has power and dominion to supersede the natural world? When Solomon received wisdom in a dream, that wisdom was made manifest in supernatural power (I Kings 3:5). Through dreams, men like Daniel and Joseph were able to peer into the future with divine insight that empowered them to prosper, in their generation.
In this dynamic and eye opening message, David E. Taylor shares breakthrough revelation and insight concerning the supernatural power and gift of dreams! When God comes to you in a dream, it is the future! He is coming as the Omega! He is coming so you can change the end. The dream realm is the unseen realm, the glory realm, where God dwells; it’s superior to the physical realm. The men of old walked with God and had power, and God spoke to them through dreams! It only takes one ream for God to change and preserve you, a region, a nation, and the world! What dreams have you had or will you have, that will preserve others?