God’s Holy Feast of Rosh Hashana is a time and season of The Lord’s visitation in our lives, a time of introspection, repentance, and blessing that occurs every year! During this season, we come before the Lord broken and repentant, as we allow Him to search us and to reveal to us the areas of our sins, transgressions, and iniquities. Repentance is the dynamic that releases the blessings! On our own, we are unable to see the hidden sins in our hearts or to cleanse them, however, because of God’s abounding mercy, He meets us every year to teach us, show us, and redeem us from the things that have entangled and hardened our minds and hearts.
In this liberating message by David E. Taylor, you will learn: that by entering into real repentance you begin to think differently, because you receive a truth that challenges your iniquity. Each person’s iniquities differ from the next, and requires a different truth to challenge it and provoke change! To receive God’s mercy, you must become merciful! Mercy is the element by which your iniquities can be purged. It is truly better to give than to receive; when you give mercy to others, you will surely receive it from God! This revelation will transcend and catapult you into position to receive God’s divine release and blessing for the next 12 months!