The season of Passover is a time of great celebration! Jesus is your advocate, intercessor, and defense in the courtroom of Heaven, despite the devil continually and legitimately accusing you. On your behalf, He is at the mercy seat of the Father redeeming you. In this supreme and matchless message, David E. Taylor delivers the fullness of Passover and the provision of God’s forgiveness through the living Blood of the Lamb!
- God purposed and planned Passover to be observed and celebrated for ALL generations.
- Passover is a Pass granted by the power of the perfect Blood of Jesus.
- The devil brings accusations Jesus’ Blood brings solutions!
- Satan knows the power of the Blood and ruthlessly works to distract the saints from studying and understanding its absolute power.
- The Blood of Jesus is Eternal It will never dry up.
- The Blood of Jesus still Cleanses, us while Jesus is perfecting us!
- Passover is the Application of the Blood & the Eternal Provision of God!