Satan is no stranger to the power, glory, and light of God, in fact as Lucifer, he walked in all of them. He walked in sonship, and was called the son of the morning. Lucifer’s body was built for glory, but pride deceived and blinded him to the light that was on him, because of the beauty of Jehovah that transferred through him. Pride caused by the light destroyed him, and he failed. Satan continues to fall every day.
In this unprecedented series, David E. Taylor continues to reveal the height of who Lucifer once was, and the depths and increasing darkness of who Satan is and will always be. The heart behind this message is to equip you with the strategy needed to overcome the enemy of your soul. You will learn that much of the 21st Century churches have covered up pride with religion, and have not taught about Lucifer or the Devil, because they are afraid he will show up. If you do not know your enemy, you will not know how to fight him. The banner of this army is love and warriors are not afraid. You must have the boldness and heart of a lion to be sold out, fearless, and ruthless in battle. God is calling us to walk in the highest level of power possible; much like Lucifer once walked in, before his fall. Don’t let pride corrupt the wisdom God has given you. Pride is the only thing that can penetrate your spiritual armor. Develop humility, the antidote that defeats pride. Jesus honors humility, He gives grace to the humble, but He resists the proud! Listen now and be equipped for victory!