Have you ever wondered why the preachers in our generation aren’t walking in power like the men of the Bible did? Jesus Himself declared John, “… He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do…” There is a realm within God where the impossible becomes possible! In this mind-blowing message, David E. Taylor reveals how you can access this realm of power! you will learn:
- The mystery of Kratos power and how it operates
- How to become trustworthy in God’s eyes to obtain Kratos
- How a face to face relationship with Jehovah unlocks this ancient power
- How to possess the spirit of wisdom and revelation needed to operate Kratos (Ephesians 1:17)
- How the power God gives differs from the powers of Jesus and the Holy Spirit
- How to advance in maturity in order to walk with God
- The Importance of Kratos concerning your destiny and the hope of God’s calling upon your life
Kratos is the magnificent, unspeakable, an unlimited power of God the Father!
You have been called to walk with Jehovah and change the world with this ancient power of the Lord of Hosts. Learn how to obtain this power and do mighty things for the Kingdom of God!