One of the problems the Church is facing is the lack of understanding regarding rank in the kingdoms of God and Satan. If we don’t understand these ranks, we won’t know how to displace an opposing Kingdom! In this powerful teaching, David E. Taylor reveals how God dwelling inside of us is the greatest position we can ever be in. In this message, you will learn that:
• There are different ranks in each kingdom – demonic rank is as follows: prince, king, emperor, and god
• Rank in the Kingdom of God is as follows: king, emperor, god, and the God realm where God literally dwells within you
• We must know the ranks we are fighting against to know what powers to exert
• It will take too long to just match the opposing powers, we must trump them with greater power
• Lower ranking spirits manifest more than higher ranking spirits, but higher ranking spirits operate greatly by strategy
• Satan will get us to become judgmental and operate in the knowledge of good and evil, convincing us we no longer need God and causing us to accuse Him
• Without a relationship with the Truth (Jesus) Satan will use truth to manipulate believers and non-believers alike
• If we are going to help turn this nation, we have to have God dwelling in us
The only way we can turn America back to God is through Face to Face and the indwelling of God within us. We must break rank with the kingdom of darkness and embrace God’s infallible love that passes knowledge! “And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:19).