God Your Omega: You Are Destined to Win MP3

God Your Omega: You Are Destined to Win MP3

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Do you know that it takes you believing in all facets and dimensions of God before you can receive them?  Many people have only believed God to be their Savior, and they shall be saved and spend eternity in Heaven; others have found Him as Healer, and that is terrific too. However, from the beginning of time, God has predestined, planned, and purposed you for greatness and to have a victorious end, on this Earth.  Despite your failures and your faults, God has begun a great work in you, and God never starts what HE has not already finished!! In this riveting and empowering series, David E. Taylor uncovers the depth and the victory that belongs to those that will receive the ancient revelation of God, as OMEGA.   

Living a life judging others will reject the Omega power of God’s victory from manifesting in your life, however,  when you realize how to handle and receive this supernatural power, doors are open unto you that allow you to operate in trans-dimensional realms of the Kingdom of Heaven, releasing a sovereign strategy to Win! It’s time to enter the Omega zone where your dominion, power, and victory in God, extends as far as the east is from the west! This is the power that will exude from the end time army and shake and transform this generation!