This shall be your year of recovery! Every wall that your enemy has erected against you will be completely annihilated, and demonic strongholds are breaking and losing their hold on your life, family, city, nation, and generation! Everything you have ever lost is about to be restored to you and God will not have to remove your enemies to give you victory! He will deliver you in the presence of your enemies!
In this prolific and prophetic message to the nations, David E. Taylor shares the word of the Lord to over 200 nations on 120 Live with Rod Parsley! Not only will you learn the importance of having the information to recover, but what to do when you recover. Despite the the battles and warfare that come against you, there is a way to win every time! How you respond in the time of recovery determines what will happen in your future!
Listen now to learn the keys to recovery and begin implementing the divine strategy for complete restoration, compensation, and total recovery. This is your time, don’t be late!