Do you fully understand the purpose of the Cross, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus? It was God’s desire from the beginning to be in relationship with us face to face. Think about it, when He created Adam, He breathed life into his nostrils, face to face! God visited Adam every morning, but after he fell into sin, only God’s voice was heard. In order to reconcile the face to face relationship with the Father, Jesus had to go to the Cross.
In this incredible and astounding series, David E. Taylor clearly defines the purpose of the Cross and the fullness of salvation that reconciles us back to the Father through relationship with Jesus, and grants us Kratos power – Dominion over the creation. When we are reconciled back to the Father, we enter a new realm and dimension of the Godhead! This is the greatest power and ranking of the Godhead, and it’s only reserved for the Father! Listen and be transformed in your mind, body, and spirit and execute the power of dominion and enter the absolute abundant life!!