Have you longed to see Jesus Face-to-Face? Well, now you can. You will never be the same once you have a face-to-face Encounter With Jesus Christ in His glorified body. David E. Taylor has been granted over 150 face-to-face personal visitation appearances with Jesus Christ in his glorified body. David E. Taylor experience at consistent face face relationship with Jesus. During one particular visitation to Heaven in 2000, Jesus promised that he would appear personally to in each and every Miracle crusade in America and around the world having over 14 years of relationship with the master, David E Taylor shares with you a personal way, from the word of God and out of Jesus his own mouth, his desire to give you the same face-to-face experience with him. This message has been proven valid by testimonies of others, stating that they have had personal decisions from Jesus after listening to this message, especially David E. Taylor’s rapidly growing International staff.